ETA to RSA Converter Tool

Generate Google Responsive Search Ads quickly and easily from your existing Extended Text Ads.

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ETA2RSA Google Expanded Text Ad ConverterAdGoogle Text Ad Mobile ExampleExpanded Text Ad Desktop Example

About Product

ETA2RSA converter is a browser-based app and subscription service from our Geperion Marketing platform. ETA2RSA will create new Google Ads in a new Responsive Search Ad format (RSA).
According to Google: "Starting June 30, 2022, you’ll no longer be able to create or edit Expanded Text Ads."
ETA2RSA is a best and affordable way to make transition from old Text Ads to Responsive Search Ads.

Google Expanded Text AdGoogle Text Ad


With ETA2RSA, you will have the most feature rich Ads Converter for Google Ads Campaigns. Tested with tens of thousands of search campaign ads.

Google Text Ads Types

Any type of Google Text Ad

For your Google Ads Search Campaign, you can convert your Text Ads, Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) and Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) into Responsive Search Ads (RSAs).

Automatic Time Saver Ad Tool

Automatic Time Saver Ad Tool

Even with hundreds and thousands of Ads, it will take minutes per campaign. Existing Text Ads will automatically be converted to RSA.

Ads Language

Any Ads Language

Any language Text Ads can be converted.

 Unlimited Google Ads Accounts and Campaigns

Unlimited Accounts and Ad Campaigns

Convert ads for an unlimited number of Google Ads accounts and campaigns.


Total Privacy

If you don't ask us to, your Google Ads and new RSA data will not leave your computer or be shared with anyone else.

Ad Group Checklist

RSA from each Ad Group

For each Ad group, create up to three RSAs from the existing Text and ETA Ads. You can create as many RSA combinations as you like.

Import to Google Ads

Import to Google Ads Editor or Google Ads

You can import the output into Google Ads Editor or upload it directly to Google Ads Campaign directly from your web browser.

Best Ads

Build your RSAs from the Best performing Ads

Select and filter only the Text Ads that meet your performance requirements, such as most clicks, revenue, CTR, etc.

Compliant Ads

Compliant Ads

If your existing Text Ads are compliant, then newly created Responsive Search Ads will also be compliant.

Unique Ads

Unique Ads

New Responsive Text Ads will be unique.

Pin Ads Headline and Description

Pinning Rules

Establish if Headlines and Descriptions need to be pinned to improve CTR for SKAGs in already optimized Ad groups.

Universal Ad Headlines and Descriptions

Universal Resources

A set of Universal Resources for the missing Headlines and Descriptions in Ad Groups, as well as a few limited Text Ads to meet minimum Google RSA requirements.

Add Google Ad Label

Ad Label for new RSAs

Label each new ad with ETA2RSA for easy management.

Skip Ad Groups

Skip Ad Groups with RSAs

Ad Groups already containing RSA ads can be skipped.

Features Coming Soon

Coming Soon

We have many ideas, but we need your input to decide what you need the most. Example: Add existing Group keywords to headlines to increase Ad strength. Automatically generate relevant headlines from Google Ads suggestions. Create RSA for groups that have no Ads. Join our Telegram for more.